Burg Lichtenberg Castle Ruin

Burg Lichtenberg Castle Ruin

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Reflecting, Remembering & Celebrating Life

“Where were you when JFK or MLK Jr. was killed?” That’s the question of my parents’ generation.  For my generation, the question is, “Where were you on 9/11?” 

I was in my home in Stamford, CT getting ready to leave for the office (an office that was moved 5 months earlier from Greenwich St & Vestry just north of North Tower to a five-minute drive from my house).   My sister, Joanna, who worked for Reuters at the time, called from Norway and told me to turn on the TV.  I never went into work that day!  My day was spent on the couch, windows open on that beautiful fall day, watching the horror unfold on TV, listening to fighter jets and helicopters overhead as they protected the sky over New York City, fielding calls from family and friends wanting to confirm I was in Stamford not NYC, and waited to hear from each of my friends who lived and worked in NYC.  By the evening, I had heard they were all safe (some walking from the Towers up to 125th Street to get a train out to CT or walking over the Brooklyn bridge to make it home)…all except one… 

R.I.P. John D’Allara
NYPD, Emergency Service Unit – Truck 2
(Survived by a wife and two sons; remains recovered March, 2002.)

I thank God every time I remember you. 
Philippians 1:3

Later that evening I attended a prayer meeting at my church, then went out to dinner to celebrate a friend's birthday.  It might seem odd, but even in the midst of sorrow and saddness there's life to be celebrated.  

On 9/11, my husband, David, was in his truck on his way to the convocation that would begin his first day of seminary.  He was going back to school to follow a call on his life to become an Army chaplain.  On the 10th anniversary of 9/11, I sit in Baumholder, Germany on a beautiful fall day and married to a man, David Chapman, who is currently deployed in Afghanistan serving his country as a chaplain.  I can honestly say, I never imagined this is where God would bring me 10 years later.  However, I give praise and thanks for the journey that has led me here. 

God has brought into my life a husband who loves the Lord more than he loves me (my only request in my prayers for a husband), and we now have the honor and privilege of living life alongside and ministering to an amazing group of soldiers, spouses and children who serve our country and sacrifice time with family for country.

My prayers today have been focused on the families who lost a loved ones on 9/11 and for those who, over these last 10 years, have had a family member step forward and pay the ultimate sacrifice.  I pray each day for my husband as he serves in Afghanistan and for all those serving in a combat zone.  I pray for our service men and women who are affected emotionally, physically, and spiritually by years of war. 

As I’ve prayed, reflected and remembered tears have been shed.  This day has also been spent in the company of some amazing military spouses enjoying and celebrating life as we long to hold our deployed husbands in our arms once again.  For me, this has been a day to reflect and remember but also a day I’ve chosen to celebrate life!

Where were you on September 11, 2001?  How have you spent/memorialized this day?

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Psalm 16:11
