Burg Lichtenberg Castle Ruin

Burg Lichtenberg Castle Ruin

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Grow Where I'm Planted

This week begins my year-long journey of navigating a new normal.  I’d like to think my sadness is special, but the fact is…it’s not!  A friend of mine posted on Face Book the day he deployed, “For over 200 years soldiers have been answering the nation’s call.”  When I read it I thought yes he's right, and for over 200 years spouses have said good bye to their loved ones and moved forward navigating life without the ones they love by their side.  This gives me encouragement that I can do it too.  My goal is to try and navigate the year with dignity and grace; so, I need a plan.  And, I’m going to need more than just a little help.

While working on my Bible study and reading a couple books this week, the same scripture kept popping up giving me comfort and encouragement.  I love when God chases after me like this…making sure I don’t miss His point (which I’ve been known to do in the past).  In reading Jeremiah 29 several times this week, I was comforted by verse 11,

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

I’ve read this scripture numerous times, and I was reminded as I reread the passage this past week of the context in which God was speaking to the Israelites - they were exiled in Babylon (an exile that would last 70 years).  What I heard the Spirit whispering in my ear was not only does He want to prosper me, give me hope and a future; He plans to bring this about even in the midst of difficult circumstances.  He’s telling me, as he did the Israelites, to get on with life…don’t just survive it, thrive in the midst of it.  In other words, He wants me to grow where He’s planted me.  

Yes, I know…easier said than done…I hear you.  However, God being God, He gives the “how to” in the next few verses (12-14).

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity

These verses encourage me to move forward; at the same time, they’re a reminder that my best laid plans may not be God’s plans for me.  If He’s going to grow and prosper me, I have to be an active participant in His plan…I need to meet him half way.  I’ve learned the hard way that it’s much easier to get on board with God’s plan than it is to expect Him to get on board with mine.  Frankly, my plans haven’t always been “God’s best.”

He’s placed me here at this time and in this place for HIS purpose.  As I grieve and process saying good bye to my husband for a season, I’m spending more time in prayer and trying to sit quietly to hear His still small voice…listening to how He wants to grow me personally, and my marriage despite the physical separation.  What’s His plan for me this year?  What do I need to be doing (or not doing) to help Him bring the plan through to completion?  I’m still figuring it out, but I’m excited to make some plans (I love planning); however, I’m going to check in with God first.  I’m reminded of the saying, “If you want to make God laugh, just tell Him your plans.” 

The challenges of life are inevitable, and no matter the circumstances, no matter how big or small the hurdles may seem, God wants to prosper and grow me through them…he wants to prosper and grow you through yours as well.   As you listen to God, what’s He telling you?  Partner with Him…wherever He’s planted you is where He intends to grow you.


PS:  I think I forgot to mention…it probably won’t be a cake walk…growing pains and all!